Benjamin Franklin Crossword Puzzle

Our Benjamin Franklin Crossword Puzzle makes learning about the American Revolution more fun! Benjamin Franklin is one of the best known of the Founding Fathers. He signed the Declaration of Independence, served as America's Ambassador to France during the American Revolution and became famous for his discoveries with electricity. Complete this crossword puzzle by first reading our Benjamin Franklin Facts page and our Benjamin Franklin Facts page 2 here. Then try to fill in the answers without looking back at the facts pages.

Benjamin Franklin

o start, click on a word in the crossword and the clue will appear in the box below the puzzle. Type your answer into the answer box below the puzzle (with no spaces if your answer has more than one word). When you have typed in your answer click on "OK" and your answer will automatically fill in the boxes in the crossword. If you are stumped, you can click on "SOLVE" and the answer to that question will be given to you. When you are ready to move on to the next word, click on another word in the puzzle and another clue will appear in the box below.

When you are done, click on "CHECK PUZZLE" at the bottom. If there are any mistakes, they will be highlighted in red. Then you can click on those words again to correct them. When you have them all right you will see a "CONGRATULATIONS" message letting you know you have completed the puzzle successfully. Information about how to print this page and an answer key for home or classroom use can be found at the bottom of this page.

Benjamin Franklin Crossword Puzzle

Benjamin Franklin Crossword Puzzle

Revolutionary War and Beyond

This interactive crossword puzzle requires JavaScript and a reasonably recent web browser, such as Internet Explorer 5.5 or later, Netscape 7, Mozilla, Firefox, or Safari. If you have disabled web page scripting, please re-enable it and refresh the page. If this web page is saved to your computer, you may need to click the yellow Information Bar at the top of the page to allow the puzzle to load.

Benjamin Franklin Printable Crossword Puzzle - You may print the crossword using your browser's "Print" controls. If you set the size to around 70%, you can fit the entire crossword with the clues on one page. If this seems too small, you can leave it at 100% and the clues will go on a second page. Note that the printable version may expand across your computer screen, but when you print it, it should shrink to fit the size of a regular 8 1/2 x 11 piece of paper.

Benjamin Franklin Crossword Puzzle Printable answer key - You may use your browser's "Print" controls to print the answer key as well, again resizing it to fit on one page or two as you desire.

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Revolutionary War and Beyond!

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