John Hancock
Wedding Announcement
September 4, 1775

This John Hancock Wedding Announcement appeared in the New York Gazette seven days after he and Dorothy Quincy were married on October 28, 1775. John was serving as President of the Continental Congress in New York and Dorothy was staying at the home of Thaddeus Burr in Fairfield, Connecticut after fleeing the occupation of Boston. The two were married in Burr's home. John Hancock would later be the first signer of the Declaration of Independence and be elected Governor of Massachusetts nine times.

John Hancock Wedding Announcement

Dorothy Quincy Hancock

This evening was married at the seat of Thaddeus Burr, Esq., at Fairfield Conn., by the Reverend Mr. Eliot, the Hon. John Hancock Esq., President of the Continental Congress, to Miss Dorothy Quincy, daughter of Edmund Quincy Esq. of Boston. Florus informs us that 'in the second Punic war, when Hannibal besieged Rome and was very near making himself master of it, a field upon which part of his army lay, was offered for sale, and was immediately purchased by a Roman, in a strong assurance that the Roman valor and courage would soon raise the siege.' Equal to the conduct of that illustrious citizen was the marriage of the Honorable John Hancock Esq., who, with his amiable lady has paid as great a compliment to American valor, and discovered equal patriotism, by marrying now while all the colonies are as much convulsed as Rome when Hannibal was at her gates.

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Learn more about John Hancock and Dorothy Hancock at our John Hancock Facts page

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