Button Gwinnett Crossword Puzzle

Button Gwinnett Crossword Puzzle

This crossword was created by Revolutionary-war-and-beyond.com with EclipseCrossword - www.eclipsecrossword.com

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  1. Island where Button Gwinnett established a prosperous plantation
  2. British city Button Gwinnett moved to America from
  3. A failed military mission to this region led to the duel in which Button Gwinnett died
  4. Button Gwinnett's national origin
  5. General who killed Button Gwinnett in a duel
  6. British town where Gwinnett was born
  7. Button Gwinnett's wife
  8. Button Gwinnett's father
  9. This body appointed McIntosh Brigadier General of Georgia's Continental Battalion
  10. Town where Button Gwinnett's duel was fought
  11. Button Gwinnett wrote the first draft of Georgia's constitution based on this man's pamphlet


  1. Position Button Gwinnett turned down for party reasons before being appointed to Continental Congress
  2. Georgia town Button Gwinnett moved to in 1764
  3. Church where Button Gwinnett was baptized
  4. At his death, Button Gwinnett was appointed President and Commander in Chief of Georgia's militia
  5. City in England where Button Gwinnett first started in business
  6. American city Button Gwinnett first settled in
  7. American colony Button Gwinnett first settled in
  8. Condition from which Button Gwinnett actually died
  9. This Button Gwinnett artifact is one of the most valuable in the world of its kind

This crossword puzzle was created by Revolutionary-war-and-beyond.com with EclipseCrossword. Try it today—it's free!

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