Georgia Council of Safety Instructions
to Lyman Hall, Button Gwinnett and
George Walton - April 5, 1776

This letter was sent by the Georgia Council of Safety to Lyman Hall, Button Gwinnett and George Walton, explaining their instructions to these Georgia delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia.

Button Gwinnett

Archibald Bulloch
President, Council of Safety
Savannah, Ga
April 5, 1776


Our remote situation from both the seat of power and arms, keeps us so very ignorant of the counsels and ultimate designs of the Congress, and of the transactions in the field, that we shall decline giving any particular instructions, other than strongly to recommend it to you that you never lose sight of the peculiar situation of the province you are appointed to represent: The Indians, both south and northwesterly, upon our backs; the fortified town of St. Augustine made a continual rendezvous for soldiers in our very neighborhood; together with our blacks and tories with us; let these weighty truths be the powerful arguments for support. At the time we also recommend it to you, always to keep in view the general utility, remembering that the great and righteous cause in which we are engaged is not provincial, but continental. We, therefore, gentlemen, shall rely upon your patriotism, abilities, firmness, and integrity, to propose, join and concur, in all such measures as you shall think calculated for the common good, and to oppose such as shall appear destructive.

By order of the Congress
Archibald Bulloch, President

Learn about these Georgia signers of the Declaration of Independence:

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