How To Cite
Revolutionary War and Beyond

Visitors frequently ask how to cite information from the Revolutionary War and Beyond website for research papers or other purposes. The following guidelines will help you to cite your research in MLA format or APA format.

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MLA Format

If you are required to report your research in MLA format, use the following format, which is gleaned from this description on Long Island University's website - MLA Citation Style:

"Title of Web Page." Title of Website.
     Publisher, Date of Publication. 
     Medium of Publication. Date of 
"Title of Web Page." Title of Website. Publisher, Date of Publication.
     Medium of Publication. Date of Access.

For example, if you are using information from our George Washington Facts page for your research, the MLA citation would look like this:

"George Washington Facts." Revolutionary
     War and Beyond. Date of Publication
     (if given). Web. Accessed 7/10/11.
"George Washington Facts." Revolutionary War and Beyond. Date of
     Publication (if given). Web. Accessed 7/10/11.

**Note that many pages do not have the publication date on them. Publication dates were not originally posted on our site and it was some time before we realized that many visitors to our site wanted this information for their research. Anything published after October, 2011 will have the publication date included, but anything published before that time will not. In this case, simply put (n.d.) for the publication date, which stands for "no date."

Also note that our articles do not contain author names. The MLA citation format does not require an author name. If you have an instructor who insists on having an author name, however, you may use "staff writer."

APA Format

If you are required to cite your research in APA format, use the following format, which is taken from the Long Island University website - APA Citation Style:

Title of Article. Publication date (if
     given). Retrieved (date), from
     (Website name), website: URL.
Title of Article. Publication date (if given). Retrieved (date), from
     (Website name), website: URL.

So if you are going to cite information from our George Washington Facts page, your APA citation would look like this:

George Washington Facts. (n.d.) Retrieved
     7/10/11, from Revolutionary War and 
     Beyond, website: http://www.
George Washington Facts. (n.d.) Retrieved 7/10/11, from Revolutionary
     War and Beyond, website: http://www.revolutionary-war-and-

**If the article has a publication date, put the date after the title of the article followed by a period. If there is no date of publication listed, then put (n.d.) for "no date." Articles published before October 2011 on this website will not have publication dates listed. Articles after this date will.

Also note that our articles do not contain author names. The APA citation format does not require an author name. If you have an instructor who insists on having an author name, however, you may use "staff writer."

Online Citations

If you are citing this website in any online source, please link back to the page you are citing out of courtesy to the editor of this site who did a lot of hard work... for you!

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